A pregnancy center serving you in Southside, VA
Clarksville, South Hill, & South Boston
"This program has helped me deal with a lot of problems I had with my children and I'm still learning. I love this program, it's a good help and I would recommend anybody to come and learn how to deal with children and how to handle your problems instead of doing the wrong thing. I love this program and it has helped me a lot." Crystal Yancey, South Boston
"The Selah Center is the first place I went to when I was going through a hard time and very pregnant. It was nice to have someone to talk to and pray over me and my baby." Amanda Bradberry, Clarksville
"The Selah Center has been amazing; they’ve really helped me navigate the roller coaster that is pregnancy and motherhood, and they helped me get my footing when it came to knowing what to do to help my babies thrive. The ladies there are so nice and welcoming and it felt like I was just hanging out and talking to friends." Stephanie Fuller, La Crosse